"The Delight of Record Collecting"
In the '50s and '60s, a lot of "adult" records with risqué covers were released, often with cheesecake covers,
and were usually kept hidden behind the counter until requested. "Adam" a 1950s girlie magazine second only to
Playboy, released record albums featuring "blue" comedians, and many were also released on blue wax as shown below.
Of course the zaftig women on the covers were probably a bigger draw than the comedy on the record.
It is extremely rare that #9 still has a cover-up sticker, as most didn't last five minutes after they were
bought! Thanks to my friend Kim Nott for this complete collection.

Vol. 1 - Fax LP 1006

Vol. 2 - Fax LP 1011

Vol. 3 - Fax LP 1012

Vol. 4 - Fax LP 1014

Vol. 5 - Fax LP 1004

Vol. 6 - Fax LP 2001

Vol. 7 - Fax LP 2003

Vol. 8 - Fax LP 2005

Vol. 9 - Fax LP 2006

Vol. 10 - Fax LP 2002

Vol. 11 - Fax LP 2004

Fax LP 1006

Fax - Vinyl